Lungs Strength

We are rejoicing that Brittney is continuing to do well despite the doctors report. She's wide awake, alert and still moving her limbs. She's even more engaging with her eyes and moving her lips.

This morning the doctors told mom that Brittney's lungs are still very weak and it they don't improve over the next few days, they will have to do a tracheotomy on her. So today our prayer focus is for overall strength in her body (especially her lungs) as she recovers from all that she's been through over the past seven weeks. Please pray and stand in agreement with us.

-The Williams Family


  1. God, I pray for Brittney's lung strength. I pray that you will repair what only her manufacturer can. Continue to strengthen this family, as they pray while Brittney cannot. We thank you for your word becoming a living testimony through Brittney, and this awesome family. God we say a special prayer for the doctors and caregivers that are in contact with her. We speak against any thought that goes against your will. We thank you for them seeing You at work and for the lives they will impact because they encountered Brittney and her family.

    It is so.


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