
Showing posts from July, 2010

New Updates & Prayer Requests

Brittney has been doing great! God continues to show Himself faithful on Brittney's behalf and each day we continue to see new manifestations of miracles. Currently, Brittney is going through the developmental stages all over again. Where she once displayed baby-like behaviors, she's now in toddler staged (temper tantrums). It's been great seeing her transition from one stage to another as it gives us hope that she'll continue to develop. She's speaking more words. Lately she's been having a unique behavior where we can't tell whether she's laughing or crying as there are no tears and she sounds like she's laughing but her face seems as if she's crying. As we're trying to figure out this new emotion, we rejoice because we were told that she would be lifeless and have no emotions. Our prayer focus is for communication, her ability to walk, and her blood levels to continue to return to normal. She's due to come completely off antibiotics in